PX3 Angle


After 20 years of producing the world’s best video pitching simulators, ProBatter is now offering it very first, non-video, fully programmable pitching machine. It’s the same pitching machine that is used as part of its PX3 video pitching line of simulators. Relying on cutting edge technology and incorporating the lessons learned from two decades of designing and manufacturing the Gold Standard of video pitching simulators, the Challenger will set the standard for portable, programmable pitching machines.

The Challenger: Is controlled by a fully programmable, user friendly, touch screen controller Includes transport wheels for ease of movement Is able to interchangeably and rapidly throw a variety of different pitches from both RHP and LHP at speeds up to 100 MPH Throws with pinpoint accuracy to pre-selected spots both inside and outside the strike zone Offers an optional automatic feeder Offers an optional kiosk controller Is upgradeable to a PX3 video simulator at a reasonable cost in the future Comes in baseball, softball and cricket versions Can be integrated with ball tracking software products like Hittrax and Rapsodo.

Product Details

Cage Distance:60’ 6”& 43’
Video Pitcher:No
Pitch Variety:Yes
Maximum Speed:100Mph
Brochure:Click Here